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Southampton University Tchoukball Club

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Southampton University Tchoukball Club competed in the biggest beach Tchoukball tournament of the year, bringing two teams aptly called the Stags and the Slags. Unfortunately, neither team won the open tournament due to some teeth-grindingly close matches, still landing us a very respectable 11th (Stags) and 14th (Slags) out of about 90 teams.

The club's AGM took place in the beginning of May, and with it came the new comittee and some prizes! Club President went to Sam Scott, Treasurer to Alex Cryer, Social Secretary to Moritz Tiedje, Safety Officer to Alex Clarke and Media went to one Alex Hamilton. Yes, there's a lot of Alex's. Man of the Year, for performance, reliability and improvement (unfortunately not punctuality) went to Alex Cryer, and Dick of the Year went to Alex Hamilton, for Pingu, deep freeze use, and general stupidity.

SUTC has won the Southern Tchoukball Mid-week League undefeated!!! We have played, and defeated; Portsmouth Mens, Portsmouth Ladies, Bournemouth University, Portsmouth University and Portsmouth Rhino's (by default). The trophy will be up in the Stags soon, so go have a look!

A bitter defeat for Southampton University Tchoukball Club, coming 3rd in the University Cup. Bournemouth came 1st, and Leeds Metropolitan 2nd, after an intense tournament. Plagued by some of the team being late due to Birmingham's traffic, the first game against Leeds started looking pretty bad, but we pulled back, making the points difference tiny. Beating Portsmouth University put us against Bournemouth: if we won this match, we won the tournament. If we lost, we were third. Unfortunately, we didn't have quite enough to win, losing again by a slight margin, putting us third.


Recent News
  • 11th place for the Southampton Stags at Rimini, while the Slags got 14th.

  • The new committee for SUTC 2009 has been selected!

  • Southampton win the Southern Tchoukball League!

  • An unfortunate 3rd place for Southampton in the Uni Cup.