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Southampton University Tchoukball Club

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Tchoukball is a relatively new sport developed by Dr Hermann Brandt, with the idea to make a sport that didn't involve injuries. It is a fast-paced hand sport, involving throwing a ball against a "frame" (or trampoline to everyone else) to make a point. It is also important to know that a few of the rules allow this to be a completely mixed sport when appropriate, making Tchoukball a seriously sociable sport!


    Here are the basic rules to Tchoukball: they may initially be confusing, but when you play, you'll pick it up! (checking the pictures below might also help!)
  • Players may shoot at EITHER end of the court to score points
  • A point is scored if the ball bounces of the frame and lands on the floor outside the semi-circle
  • If the ball misses the frame, or lands in the semi-circle, the point goes to the other team
  • If the ball hits the EDGE of the frame, possession is lost to the other team, but no point is scored or lost
    During the game:
  • If the ball is dropped, or otherwise hits the floor except for after a shot, possession is lost to the other team
  • Players can take 3 steps, and cannot bounce the ball (see above!)
  • Players can only hold the ball for 3 seconds before passing or shooting
  • Players cannot enter the two semi-circles while holding the ball
  • The attacking team cannot make more than 3 passes before they make a shot
  • No obstruction or interception is allowed
  • Touching the ball below the knee is not allowed (ie just like it hit the floor)

Some of these rules (like no obstruction or interception) might make the game look boring, but actually it just makes the game a hell of a lot faster! The 3 second rule and 3 passes rule makes sure that a shot has to be taken within 10 seconds, so there's never a dull or slow period in the game! And as stated above, without obstructions, there are significantly fewer injuries.


A standard game has 9 players on each team, on a 40m x 20m court. There is also 7-a-side, which is the most common in Europe and Asia, played on a slightly smaller court. Finally, there is 5-a-side beach Tchoukball, played on a small, sand court that allows for lots of fun, interesting shots and great tour opportunities!

Recent News
  • 11th place for the Southampton Stags at Rimini, while the Slags got 14th.

  • The new committee for SUTC 2009 has been selected!

  • Southampton win the Southern Tchoukball League!

  • An unfortunate 3rd place for Southampton in the Uni Cup.